

Why did you buy that fizzy drink at that supermarket if you had no intention to do so? Did you decide to eat meat today because “your body needs protein”? You are not feeling so hungry, but you still convince yourself to get that extra course with a 30% reduction, why is that?

Food Choices Exposed is an online tool that aims to shed light on what affects our decisions when it comes to what we eat. Misleading marketing practices, high prices, limited availability of healthy and sustainable food, among others, are factors that have a massive impact on our choices, often leading us to choose food that is not good for the planet nor our health. But through more conscious, informed choices and activism, we have the power to change this.

This tool will take you on a journey through four different food environments in which we make choices each and every day. Start now!

This tool has been designed under WWF’s #Eat4Change project, which works to engage young citizens on the topic of sustainable food, demonstrating how individual diets can impact the wellbeing of people and the planet. The project is funded by the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR).

Do you have any questions or observations about this tool? You can contact us here.


Do you have any questions or observations about this tool? Fill out the form below to contact us.