
Privacy Policy

Please read this policy carefully to understand how we collect, use and store your personal information.

Information about Food Choices Exposed 

Food Choices Exposed  has been designed under WWF’s #Eat4Change project, which works to engage young citizens on the topic of sustainable food. The project is funded by the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR).

This website has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of WWF and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Data collection

During your journey on this website, we will ask you three questions:

  • How old are you?
  • Did you learn something about the impact of food on the environment?
  • How likely are you now to rethink your food choices?

The answers to these questions will allow us to see whether this tool is helping young people change their food choices. This information will be shared with WWF Finland, as the coordinator of WWF’s #Eat4Change project. WWF Finland will be solely using your answers for project reporting purposes.


Web cookies are small snippets of text saved on your computer or mobile device that distinguish you from other users of a website. Like most websites, foodchoicesexposed.panda.org  uses cookies.

We use cookies for these purposes:

  • To improve your experience of our website – for example, so you only get asked to take a survey once, or to hide a form if you’ve already seen it.
  • Collect anonymous statistics – it’s really useful for us to be able to see which pages are the most popular and how people are using them.

Website cookie acceptance

By using our website you consent to our use of cookies and the cookies we use will be stored on your device (unless rejected or disabled by your browser).

Turning cookies off

Internet browsers normally accept some cookies by default. However, all modern browsers let you turn off either all or third-party cookies.  If you do not accept our use of cookies as set out above, please set your browser to reject cookies. This may impair your ability to use our website. The option to do this is usually found in your browser’s Options, Settings, or Preferences menu, depending on which browser you’re using

How to change your cookie settings in:

Internet Explorer




iPhone and iPad


You can find out more about cookies at www.allaboutcookies.org.

These are the only cookies we use:

Name: Matomo

Owner: Matomo

Purpose of the cookie: this is a web analytics service that uses cookies to show us how visitors found and explored our website, and how we can enhance their experience. It provides us with information about the behavior of our visitors (e.g. how long they stayed on the site) and also tells us how many visitors we’ve had. Matomo users can safely use analytics without worrying about data being used for marketing or any other purposes.